Montana Forest Fire Lookout sites, Table 2, active and abandoned sites listed. Revised Sept. 24, 2024.

Key to column headings: ID - A numerical count, County - The county the Lookout is in, Topo Map - The name of the 7.5 minute topographic map the Lookout is on, Lookout Name - Name of active Lookout or inactive site, LO - Status of standing Lookout (see below), NHLR - A entry indicates the lookout is on the National Historic Lookout Register. The registration number is shown. Prom - The prominence value in feet, EL, ft. - Elevation in feet of the Lookout, EL - How elevation is determined. BM = benchmark survey disk nearby. Spot = spot elevation shown on the map. Inter. = No elevation shown so interpreted from contours. Forest - Name of National Forest Lookout is in, Park or Other - Other Land status, BM Name - The name of the benchmark disk near the Lookout, PID - The unique number or Position Identifier given by the USGS to each benchmark, YR - Year the benchmark disk was first placed, LO BM - A listing for the Lookout building itself. (This will give the most accurate coordinates for the building.)

Lookout Status Codes: A = structure in good condition, capable of being staffed. B = Dilapidated and needs work, but standing. C = Badly damaged or falling down. AS = usually staffed by Forest Service. AV = staffed by volunteers. AR = A rental Lookout. A (LO site) is where the building has been removed and there may be no evidence remaining, or it's status may be unknown.

ID County Topo Map Lookout Name NHLR LO Prom EL, ft. EL Forest Park or other use BM Name PID YR LO BM
1 Flathead McGee Meadow Apgar Lookout 33 A 0 5236 Spot   Glacier National Park none     TN0780
2 Flathead Meadow Peak Meadow Peak 344 AS 2749 6709 BM Kootenai   Meadow TN0844 1960 TN0843
3 Glacier Saint Mary Divide Mountain 2096 C 0 7780 Inter.   Blackfeet Indian Reservation none     none
4 Jefferson Bison Canyon Haystack Mountain (LO site)     2419 8819 BM Beaverhead Deerlodge   Haystack RX0901 1952 none
5 Jefferson Basin Jack Mountain (LO site) 1945   2392 8752 Spot Beaverhead Deerlodge   Jack Mtn none 1986 none
6 Lewis & Clark Stonewall Mountain Red Mountain (LO site)     3801 9411 BM Helena   Red ST0521 1956 none
7 Lincoln Vermiculite Canyon Blue Mountain 342 A 2040 6040 BM Kootenai   Blue TN0929 1959 TN0926
8 Lincoln Calx Mountain Calx Mountain 1507 AS 40 6500 Inter. Kootenai   none     none
9 Lincoln Kenelty Mountain Kenelty Mountain   C 2331 5931 BM Kootenai   Kenelty TN0914 1960 TN0916
10 Lincoln McGuire Mountain McGuire Mountain 345 AR 3071 6991 Spot Kootenai   none     none
11 Lincoln Northwest Peak Northwest Peak 347 A 4424 7705 Spot Kootenai, Kaniksu (On boundaries) Northwest Scenic Area none     TN0958
12 Lincoln Turner Mountain Quartz Mountain 1509 C 590 6260 Inter. Kootenai   none     none
13 Lincoln Sylvanite Roderick Mountain (LO site)     2284 6635 Inter. Kootenai   Roderick ET TN0949 1963 none
14 Mineral Stark South Stark Mountain 367 AS 2239 7353 BM Lolo   Stark SU1123 1981  
15 Missoula Petty Mountain Petty Mountain (LO site)     2879 7274 BM Lolo   Petty RY0856 1934 RY0855
16 Ravalli Lost Trail Pass Saddle Mountain (LO site)     1120 8460 BM Bitterroot     none   none
17 Ravalli Sula Sula Peak   AS 591 6191 BM       none   none
18 Sanders Baldy Lake Baldy Mountain (LO site)     4064 7464 BM Lolo   Baldy SU0971 1940 SU0970
19 Sanders Ibex Pass Berray Mountain 181 A 2577 6177 BM Kaniksu   Berray ET TN1126 1966 none
20 Sanders Mount Headley Mount Headley (LO site) 1609   3716 7427 BM Lolo   Mount Headley SU0990 1940 none
21 Sanders McDonald Sonyok Mountain   B 2280 5660 Inter.   Flathead Indian Res. none     none
22 Silver Bow Pipestone Pass Highland 927 A 0 9701 Spot Beaverhead Deerlodge   none     QY0503